

leader of elaine auclair cult. fatamoru is my city.

フォロー数:497 フォロワー数:996

Guess I'll be posting this every other day till I finish this series

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CotE Vol. 4.5 done

slice of life really is peak. It's great when a long af series doesn't immediately start with stories like these but breaks them up between intense arcs. So you could yearn for the simpler days when it goes batshit crazy

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before you get bored?

Bey has one of if not the most fucked up backstories I've ever seen. But the fact that it's so fucked up, his outlook on it is fascinating making him one of my favourite characters

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Yeah I really like the LN artstyle

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And that's CotE Volume 4 done

Man. Just I don't even know anymore. I previously thought Dies Irae was the hardest thing I'd read but getting a grasp on meaning behind the conversations here has been challenging. I think I prefer Vol 3 a bit more but it was still great.

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Well, that's volume 3 done

Honestly planned on reading like only 50 pages today but I just could not put it down. Although I need to read that last chapter again, it completely fucked up my mind (both in a good and bad way) Horikita and Ayanokouji were really good this time.

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i've never been so aroused and terrified at the sametime looking at a portrait

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This is the piece it's from I believe

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