

Talent Publicist #Writing #Hollywood #NFTFam Leonardo Di Aetherhart……

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We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think.
When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves.

38 77

If you see the magic in a fairy tale, you can face the future.
~ Danielle Steel

60 98

A piece of is only worth doing if u're a different person at the end than u were at the beginning.
Brian Morton


13 28

If you don't nothing ever happens at all.
— John Green

Pochi Chan

126 216

A mind is like a It doesn’t work if it isn’t open.
Frank Zappa

43 91

A good style should show no sign of effort. What's written should seem to be a happy accident


47 60

have this vague hope that the will come in the night and finish any stories.

Art jerry8448

88 154

“It’s amazing what you find out about yourself when you write in the first person.”

José Rosero

41 81

The scariest are the ones that lurk within our
Edgar Allan

Bezaliel, Angel of Shadow by PeteMohrbacher

49 74

We are alive only in those moments when our hearts are conscious of our

Kazumasa Uchio

23 44