Old accountさんのプロフィール画像

Old accountさんのイラストまとめ

フォロー数:64 フォロワー数:191

You ever look at an animal crossing character, and it makes you think of someone you know? xD

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So with fumblr, making it's final tumble down to dumbtown, guess I will have to start posting my art stuff here now :D... (Please be gentle QQ)

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"So cool, **** the haters." Jetz, you're even cool when you ramble half-asleep~

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*Heavy Breathing noises* ...

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Thought I'd slap this ol' thing on here because... why not? lol

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What Splatoon does to your friends.... POPA!!! ~Q 0Q~

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Looks like went Chib-tastic, too! Hehehe~

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Thought I'd post this little thing I made since it was made to be looked at Q.Q; Poor Vaporeon...

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