

Illustration artist/ Day dreamer. Follow me on Instagram @ntsketch.

フォロー数:588 フォロワー数:630

is trending? Here's some of my personal designs! https://t.co/xKGV41dDpR

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Character Design and Lore development.
I enjoy making the overall story and how the characters are involved. https://t.co/SgzNSxYt8d

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X and Dante may be the only ones that have a chance (at least as far as revealed characters go.)

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Funny enough, my character Citadel is inspired by a pangolin

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11) X's first encounters with Bravo Team were antagonistic, mostly coming from Citadel. Eventually they accepted X's role as a hero, Citadel even begrudgingly respecting him.

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After X's first encounter with Dante, he was left paranoid for a bit. Not knowing when and where he could strike, X decides to learn how to best prepare to face Dante and any other spiritual threat.

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Creatures and characters like these are what lay in wait in the dark realm... https://t.co/MHmgiaRaIj

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I have several female characters that I hope to give deep stories to. It may help that they're attractive lol😅

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