

33 y/o gnome thing. character design/illustrator. pfp by @Tree_eeee

フォロー数:469 フォロワー数:203

quiz looked me dead in the eye and called me a liar https://t.co/Cod2Fvn443

0 7

look at this amazing art did of my hawke, alma.
she's so pretty ima cry.

2 4

happy i love being an artist in an already talented community 💚

13 43

drawing some jermacord subs. first up is holly 'cause as the year of the bunny, it's her year!

5 63

she a little dustbunny 🐇

15 85

she just a little clown

24 152

twitch streamer jeremy elbertson on his way to crash a plane

3 12

i had no idea what to draw for jerma's birthday so i just cleaned up the art where i made him too handsome.

6 23

oh no u given me too much power https://t.co/tY0nhn6Hru

0 1