

jen/null 🔪 29. 🩸visual artist and musician 🦇 she/they/it

フォロー数:370 フォロワー数:603

🩸got to work on this sick commission and I am so happy with how it came out. gonna keep messing around with black and white on red for the foreseeable future 🩸

insta: @/witchxchrist

14 31

ok time for bed hello sunrise

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I just spent 20 minutes tryna remember this art I used to be obsessed with as kid and used to spend hours on the website printing pictures out to put on my walls and it was PINUPTOONS

1 12

gotta dig this gif back out

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I just want it to have these feet I love the platform feet

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fresh out a nice cool shower with clean cool sheets after a long sweaty day ...bomfy

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It wasn’t even a good Manson album god

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