

i lick spiders!
i only post super intermittently but 95% of stuff here ends up being dumb shartposty content if you like that :))

フォロー数:232 フォロワー数:100

mïlœ, nestlé and kaboooooooose from pokemon sixty dollars

nestlas hair was a frickign pain to draw wtf

11 28

2nd twitter anniversary?? gross!!

anyway have this weird thing i conjured up failing to pay attention during class

2 12

fish :D

hope you feel better soon though ;0

14 127

tober day 6: enchanted
48 minutes late (and bad xd) nooooooo :(

1 4

some old sprites that i did :)) uncolored pixels and badly drawn skirts aside i still think they're pretty neato

1 10


6 24

hello art block and same character ive posted like 3841924 times to this account where's the VARIETY goddammit

2 5

(first time trying to paint something that isn't an inflated spider :)) )

whats this person's name again i dont think ive seen her anywhere

2 5

sugoi burger desu ka~☆ !

attempt at a 'conventionally attractive' animu style feat. skinny burger-chan 🍔

1 8


iunno what im doing but I drew this paleontologist kid on my phone and it looks cooooool

2 8