

🇮🇩Shii! • Eng/Id • 💗 Writer ✍️ Commissioner 💸 NO FOREIGNER PLS
Kaoru Xiao 🙈🙉🙊
pfp: sitacommimir

フォロー数:660 フォロワー数:466

// yume KaoShii

Another random post

Cimolllllllllllll CIMOL CIMOLLL

Hadiah dari nabeeee @.BabuValk bsjjdjdd tengkyuu

40 72

// yume KaoShii [Kaoshii's Lore]

Happy graduation my dear. Have a wonderful journey as an adult, don't worry, I'll always stay by your side to face the world

Shii lulus era 🤧

81 114

// yume KaoShii , timeskip au

In the future I can see myself, holding you close to my breath

Selamat malam minggu

68 111

NGEBLUR nah ini baru versi hd

1 4

// yume , KaoShii

A day to embrace,
a day to love,
a day to be close,
my love for you has no bounds,
for you have captured my heart,
and for that I love you to the moon and back

- Happy white day

81 126

// chibi yume

49 102

// yume KaoShii , blood

The old us

Art by tenyan_01

53 82

// yume DaYo

Dajai x Shiyo

Repost sorry soalnya aku lupa sensor namanya si dajai 😅😅 MUAAFF
Ya intinya gitu sih cuma buat archive juga aslinya

Art by @.zachrovka

50 80

// yume , kaoshii
(sounds like ValenHakaze)

Track 7 - Valentine

Would you share the chocolate with me?

Art by @.eclipseason (amphii)

89 137