

I do art! I like cats! | my foot is stuck in a sewer grate | deoxyribonucleic-acid

フォロー数:828 フォロワー数:3594

microorganism band

145 434

"has your hair grown long, goro...?"
"absolutely not."

91 374


394 869

nyactis [i am boo'ed off the stage]

16 45

*sipping bongwater* what flavor gatorade is this

1 19

he looks so broken here. his eyes devoid of any light or life. empty inside. akechi goro stole his last french fry when he wasn't looking and it's a betrayal he can never come back from

47 238

no one laugh i made her when i was 15 and wanted to redraw because the pics were embarrassing :( her name is snirl (snail girl)

0 2