

26 // Italy // If you like my art and want to support me, check out my merch! 🍄 Now active on P🍄tre🍄n!

フォロー数:1426 フォロワー数:15455

Nacho's photo was too cute not to be drawn!! 🥲🌸

8 56



it's good to be back to Dark Souls fanarts after a long time!

127 1122

I made this for fun, but I'm literaly crying now lol
I worked so hard to get to the point where I look at my art and I think "hey, that actually looks good!"... I'm proud of myself for not giving up on art.

3 52



Thanks to disrespectuful people, I will no longer split the payment of my commissions in half.
I've been blocked as soon as I said the drawing was complete.
I'm just doing my job, please be nice people and have some respect.

16 88

Another Tekken girl

3 49

レア (FE風花雪月)
Patreon reward

8 50