Sean Cabreraさんのプロフィール画像

Sean Cabreraさんのイラストまとめ

I draw alot, trying to become a comic/concept artist

フォロー数:81 フォロワー数:1181

a line of fish.
...theres a handful more but i thought to at least post these.

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her temperament would be forlorn, rushed, and strangely empathetic to others plights. She still has a potent harshness borne of her upbringing, but shes been humbled by the loss of her crew, and her nationalism has been replaced with trying to unite world leaders.

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i wanted her uncomfortably tall. much as ornn or sion are BIG WIDE GIANTS. i wanted to her to be a bit of a pillar, akin to ivern, really.

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i wanted her to generally always be missing her right arm. and only quick flashes of animation for spells would the ghost arm come out. elsewise just swinging that lanky hammer of hers one-handed. Played with karma-esque ulted-form where she would be real ghosty.

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so i ended up with this tower, and started trying to play around her kit. Less floaty sorcerer, and now a beefier disruptor/diver. started playing with kit-stuff. my favorite spell idea of literally just PUSHING an ally in a direction.

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i got a handful of opinions on archetypes and playstyles they thought would be fun to play. and started to further iterate/flesh out the successful ones. Eventually 9 was a general winner, especially once i pulled 12 from it.

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Even though the shadow isles was an accident, decided to play with it. So i jotted down some ideas on how a noxian would deal with shadow isles stuff. Cursed by it? harnessing it? blablabla. Also started trying to make sure her design informed how shed play.

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shortly after, Kayn came out and i really couldn't overcome how shadow-isles-y she was. the whole point was NOXIAN. So i went on to remake her more thoroughly, even asked friends on design input and the like. (image of Nail2.0 and Rin )

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's Daeji is p miraculous. thought to draw something before i suffer the FINAL HOLIDAY TRIP.
...i just want time to myself so i can draw.

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i have a certain fascination with using varying scales of technology.
the idea that lulu has one of those old NOKIA cellphones tickles me.

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