

NFTS/crypto @TheSamuraiSaga @z00tzAnchorClub @JRNYclub @PlanetXOLO

フォロー数:1429 フォロワー数:489

Picked these through marketplace it has for its holders that stake their nfts earning $skulls token. Supreme skulls is hella underated.

2 4

Scooped up a couple more . This time from killer nft marketplace they offer. Just have to stake your Supreme Skulls nft and claim your $skulls b4 they restock. Glad I can add to the ecosystem.

6 16

Just won this in a giveaway from funny thing is I have been eyeing the collection up the last couple of days. Hows the community over here?

23 75

55 Fallen 167 Samurai(10,000) 8 Onna(6,666) For sale Has a very strong A huge portion of the collection staked for Genki.

35 60