


フォロー数:301 フォロワー数:4469

happy birthday to the prettiest people in the world 💌💎

2918 4499

perfect email does NOT ex-

3 125

[17's 도겸] I SAID THAT'S MY BABY!!!!!

2377 5171

[speedpaint] working in black and white was so fun~~

4 45

...yes it's verhao... wippp

22 122

*with tears in my eyes* ..w..woozi small ..

330 865

i'm so proud of this drawing 🥺 everything went smoothly and i finished him in 40 mins... on the other side i struggled with vernon for 2 hours ..idk why im like this.. i either get a drawing done fast OR i waste time fiddling with the smallest details for hours ☹️ no inbetween

24 117


6 111