

Winner fanart + edits + photoshop + fanvids + gifs // main @qwertyhealy - Please take out with credit.…

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Actually started this a while ago...cos I wanted to draw baseball teammates mino + taehyun from HOMERUN

26 12

U are forever the winner in my heart, so come claim your present huge boy

23 23

The hardest thing I'll ever do is walk away still loving you.

14 4

Taehyun complains about babysitting seungyoon, but deep down he secretly enjoys it

65 21

[As requested] Flowerboy taehyun (with flower yoon ♥) 

55 20

Inspired by patti's twitter drabble of minyoon taking baths tgt haha

169 58

[As requested] Highschool taehyun with the bad boy vibe

157 47