Samuel 💻✨ Messnerさんのプロフィール画像

Samuel 💻✨ Messnerさんのイラストまとめ

Japanese translator, hacker, programmer – 3 for the price of 1!
My Dear Detective; Apple Children of Aeon; a handful of video games and stage plays.

フォロー数:307 フォロワー数:5990

Despite being a PS1 JRPG that had a soundtrack and two audio drama CDs and everything, there's near no information about this on the English internet. Heck, there's barely any on the Japanese internet either! It's truly faded into obscurity – but it sure deserves better.

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What if there was an obscure 1999 JRPG combining Atelier and Pokémon? Abduct monsters to raise; travel town to town for boatloads of cash and evolution items; save your boyfriend in 3 in-game years.
…You gotta see Kuroi Hitomi no Noir: Cielgris Fantasm by the Atelier team.

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Here's a manga I've seen a *lot* of buzz about in Japan, but none in the West… Hikaru ga Shinda Natsu.
Two boys in the countryside. One gets body-snatched and replaced, but… the other secretly loved him and can't let go, so he just accepts it.

Horror × slice of life × BL!?

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To put into perspective how big a deal the Klonoa compilation is:
• Klonoa 2 – a legendary PS2 game – has never been re-released before.
• It now fetches outrages prices online.
• The game has major emulation issues, so you can't emulate it either.
Klonoa 2 is finally back.

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Allow me to show you how Bajiquan master Li Shuwen is portrayed in media, versus how he looked in real life.
You are not ready.

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Today I discovered this great obscure manga currently in serialization: Kodai Senshi Haniwatt (lit. “The Ancient Warrior Haniwatt”). It's like Kamen Rider… except the baddies are giant dogū based on actual real archaeological finds, and they're HIGHLY DISTRESSING!

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Have you seen this Hamtaro fortune-telling GBC game!? When I lived in Tokyo last year, I couldn't step into a second-hand game shop without spotting a copy. Of course, consummate hamthusiast that I am, I picked a copy up. I've translated a smidgen so you can see it in action!

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Hot dang, this hyper-obscure game I chanced upon!? Tokyo Dungeon.
A Japan-only 1st-person RPG for the PS1, directed by Ultima co-mastermind Roe R. Adams Ⅲ. The title has VERY LITTLE to do with the game. I'd've titled it “CyberCop: When I Said ‘Hacking’ I Didn't Mean with an Axe”

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I'm not a sports game kind of guy, but I gotta play a Power Pros game or two: not only because it's ubiquitous and a cultural staple, but also because there's at least one title where you do FANTASY RPG BATTLES to inexplicably IMPROVE YOUR BALLPLAYERS

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