

A comic about Earth’s future rulers. Finally, a non-dystopian apocalypse! Octopolis is LIVE on Kickstarter NOW!

フォロー数:35 フォロワー数:110

“All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”
- J.R.R. Tolkien

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It was just another normal day in Octopolis. Kurita Kelpfish was on duty along the shelf, schooling the herring shoal. Her fish-cuttle Stumpy was having a bit of a dominance altercation with a particularly irascible fish, when…

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Schooling fish are mesmerizing. I could stare at them indefinitely. How do they decide where to go? It’s a lesson in collective action.


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It was just another normal day in Octopolis. Kurita Kelpfish was on duty along the shelf, schooling the herring shoal. Her fish-cuttle Stumpy was having a bit of a dominance altercation with a particularly irascible fish, when...


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Tributaries: An Octopolis Prologue 15/

“However. In the incomprehensible yawning of Time, probability becomes certainty. Infinitely more unlikely was surely the occurrence of Life itself?”

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Tributaries: An Octopolis Prologue (10/12)

“Infinitely more unlikely was surely the occurrence of Life itself?



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Tributaries: An Octopolis Prologue 10/

“Our gods subdued, we turned against ourselves. It was vanity to believe that our own intellect would inspire greater intelligence. Our minds are still coupled to the caprice of our heritage.”

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