

$odd on $sol 🔜


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“JeEz hUrRy Up! wEn wiLL tHis sToRy eNd! itS tAkiNg foRevEr..itS beEn LikE a wHoLe wEek aLreadY!”

wE dO tHingS tHe oDd wAy cOs wHy tHe heLL nOt 🔥🤘

83 230

Tom hAd nEver beEn to thE cAstle beFore. So hE swAlloWed hiS nErves and wAlked aCrosS tHe sHark inFested dRaw briDge

He kNew he hAd tO gEt soMeonE of pOwer To hElp cOnvincE tHe otHers.

151 378

tHeY wEreNt LisTeniNg tO tOm tHough. He wAs tOo nEw aNd diDNt fuLLy tRust hIm aFter hE wAs tHe oNe tHat lEad thEm tO tHe fActoRy iN tHe fIrSt pLaCe.

IN tHat mOmenT a LiGhtbUlb weNt oFf aNd tOm hAd aN iDea…💡

133 395

tOm and A fEw oF tHe othErs hAd growN qUite tHe bOnd wIth tEemO and thE REsT oF tHe peTs! THey plEaded, tHerE hAd tO bE a sOlUtiOn! 👀

124 363

wHat wAs tHouGht tO bE a gOod iDea reLeaSinG tHe aDorablE oDd pEts fRom tHe fActory, qUiCkly tUrnEd iNto ChaOs!

tOm aNd hiS fReNs wEre oVerwHelmed aNd sTruGgled tO reGain Order wHiLe tHe fReNdLy cOmpaNions rUn RiOt…

153 409

aLL aVaAiBle pEts wiLL be WEN AIRDROPPED tOdaY tO pEopLe wHo sEnt TheIr aDdreSseS..(sorry for anyone that got missed off the list)

89 336

hOpE evEryoNe is EnjoYiNg theIR oDD PeTs.

116 401

sLigHT dElAY. ReVeAL iN 15 miNutEs.

ToM aND FeEmO aRE bUsY enJOyiNG thEMseLveS.

101 311

rEmeMbeR dUriNg uNcertAin tImeS reMaiN oDd aNd tO toUch bAse wItH yoUr fRens

118 348

TOms aDventUrE bEGinS wiTH fEEmo 👀

111 370