RimoOfArtSchool (just chillin')さんのプロフィール画像

RimoOfArtSchool (just chillin')さんのイラストまとめ

20+, she/her
multifandom/multishipper/drawing whatever i want
may rt NSFW stuff sometimes

i do not wish to engage in fandom wars, thanks

フォロー数:126 フォロワー数:742

here's another one.
...with a sausage theme XD.
i didn't want to make dirty jokes, so i just drew those cute sausage octopuses you find in Japanese lunch boxes XD

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2014 vs 2019
aaaaaa, i can't believe i'm actually proud of my art for once XD
..i wish i could show this to my old self XD

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i still can't draw decent anatomy without 3d models (the times i'm able to are very rare XD), but damn, i really want to brag about my current art with my middle school self OwO

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i don't know if i chose the "best" four, but i certainly am proud of these ones >u<
hope i'll be able to improve my anatomy next year, i don't want to only keep relying on 3d models. Oh, and the coloring too.

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found the first image by chanceand i drew the squad XD
(read: another group of OCs i haven't introuduced yet 😅)
...anyway, i had fun trying to draw a few different body types OwO)

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random character design
followed one of these prompts https://t.co/qZsKQ4Dv0X

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This anime is literally waifu city XD but it would have taken too long to draw all of them, so for now i just drew my favourite >u<
...the label on the jar says "mayo", btw XD

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I swear, this girl is gonna kill me with secondhand embarrassment XD
She's still adorable, tho OwO

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just something simple with anime shading XD
now let's move on to the chibis XD

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