

moved: @FRlGHTZONE

フォロー数:842 フォロワー数:2086

adora being super happy to be touching a horse on your tl

59 219

worst character from she ra, she's annoying and i got pissed like every time she appears on season 4. fuck u glimmer

0 6

which of these angel emojis is the correct one? they look a lot..

2 20

i feel miserable in this scene but i also hate the rebellion, they should at least have tried to go after it to make sure that entrapta was really gone... the only one who cared about it was adora, it makes me feel sad as fuck

0 6

march 29

pfp by firnelle

0 0

// shadow weaver

fuck i hate this scene w all my soul all this is shadow weaver's fault fuck you smelly ass woman

9 56

there's an impostor

7 70

okay i ship them because i want to, they match and i think this random girl deserves a girlfriend as beautiful as lonnie.. seriously they would match so much (for apparently no reason?

3 36