

devotee of true love (emilia) and knight of emilia-tan.💜 SubaEmi influencer 💜🧡

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Let's fuck goooo !!!🔥 Minha aventura de leitura de novels iniciará agora do zero !💥 Irei contar algumas experiências que eu achar na leitura aqui, e também vou cumprir minha promessa sobre a WN e LN, bem, talvez eu esteja bastante ocupado a parti de agora.

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after so long in re:zero, i realize that today emilia-tan is finally earning your respect (which she always deserved) for me, emilia-tan deserves much more !! 💜💜💜

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Finalmente... ela está ganhando o respeito que merece. ( emilia x subaru forever 💜🧡 )

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Orrr... pobre nerd tech... ainda continua com essa ilusão dessa waifu ? Eu tenho pena

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today is kiss day, so please give me more subaru x emilia farnats kissing! and I need it! ✊😆 ... oh ... and happy kiss day 🧡💜 (I'm not the creator of this farnat)

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same energy ! 💜🧡 🤍🖤😍

3 15

I don't know if you already have this fanart ...

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happy birthday and , together as emilia-tan 💜 (These characters are from an anime called kuroshitsuji, more is a character that we use a lot then practically became like our character.)

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