

eden/lex, i like to sketch and sometimes write! (•̀ᴗ•́)و ̑̑ (she/they,🇵🇭🇺🇸 26) icon by @shimimori! banner by @shounendog! i take sketch requests on ko-fi!

フォロー数:311 フォロワー数:2459

sketchbook spread— meteors+heavenly mosaic

15 83

(rymin) solo!au sketches again

108 409

looking through old files and GOD tbt when i drew me and quinn’s dnd characters as ace attorney rivals

3 22

(rymin) my fingers are covered in ink now…

169 691

lmao im not tagging but dang 2021 is the first year i consistently drew/posted enough to do this meme so…! art v artist

12 107

ive done like 40+ images of rymongus doodles that i havent shared publicly and frankly. i don't even know how to explain the context for most of this

3 67

(rymin) also here’s the other 3 illustrations i did for ch.0-ch.1 of devotion breaks! mild spoilers if you care about that?

175 657

my rymin longfic is finally up on ao3 👻
title: devotion breaks through the land of roots
2/11 chapters, 15k words and 4 illustrations (so far)

62 232

(infinity train) testing some new pens with grace, ryan, min

477 2329

(infinity train) some idea doodles for a future ryan design for a certain au liz put into my brain

413 1666