

America's Last Artist.

フォロー数:1666 フォロワー数:4504

Things are developing at the new location.

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Some residue from a project that was fun enough to share here. You know what they always say about Ohio...I live there.

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I am here to take back the streets of yoga this year.

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Illustration & graphic work for , continued

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I did another Dracula drawing.

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Here’s a drawing about Dracula.

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Doin' some late night tinkering on a vector I put together earlier. Original raster drawing included.

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One of my best buds immortalized me forever in his gorgeous album art for Days Gone. I am honored, humbled and accurately gross looking.

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Not since the days of have I been this excited for a season. Let’s go, boys.

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NEW WORK: poster art for the wonderful whose sole direction was “I need a poster design that combines gazebos and fingering” - done, my friend. Done.

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