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-sebuah utas-
“Jovi as God of Horoscope” by me

Capricorn - Aquarius

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2020 bener2 banyak hal yang ga terduga. Hari ini, aku dedikasikan ilustrasi ini untuk mendiang Didi Kempot dan Glenn Fredly. Musik kalian akan selalu menemani kami disaat kami ambyar😭

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Congrats for your 5K, Kak Ida! And thank you for this art share🥰🥰🥰
Here’s mine! Hi, I’m Yola a visual arts student from Bandung✨ I love drawing potrait and child illustration! Here are some of my artworks, for the others go visit me on Instagram! https://t.co/mFRkBTWqzb

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Hope u like it❤️🍂

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Too cute😫

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Dear my friends...♥️♥️♥️

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Hehe bikin kakek hothot pop saat masih muda, rindu masa kecilkuuu😙😙

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