Old Badger-brockさんのプロフィール画像

Old Badger-brockさんのイラストまとめ

Playing on LOTRO's Landroval server since April 2007

フォロー数:19 フォロワー数:450

I have a long history with R/B's 'Hobbit', also. I saw it on TV when it originally aired in 1977; I saved pages from that week's TV Guide. I received the coffee table style book with illustrations for Christmas that year, and have a slender book with the sheet music.

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I participated in "The Great Chicken Run" on the Landroval server 6 years ago. It was grand!🐔
If anyone ever has the opportunity and the ability, I definitely recommend it.

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"In a hole there lived a hobbit..." recited Piper. "There ought to be a line in there about cold, dark holes filled with the rotting remains of drakes."

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2/ ...including an enchanted cave whose appearance evoked a song...

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Merry Christmas from Rocky & Bullwinkle!🎅

(art by zombiegoon)

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I can't be the only person who is tempted to say "Frostbite Falls" instead of "Frostbluff".

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"The Flight to the Ford" by John Howe🇨🇦

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Where is Saruman? Fourteen years and seven months after LOTRO's launch the fallen wizard is still at large.

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