

Posting old pictures of Liverpool, also British towns and other topographical places of interest. UK and European football teams.

フォロー数:780 フォロワー数:13858

Phil Collins outside the Empire Theatre, Liverpool 1975

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James Street Railway Station 1937

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1880s New Brighton Beach & Red Noses, also some of the early houses.

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Grange Hotel, Charing Cross, Birkenhead 1953-bedecked with bunting to celebrate the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth 11

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Motor coaches at New Brighton 1920

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Demolition of the Ham & Egg Parade, New Brighton, photo by R.Tunnecliffe

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WW2 A group of wrens in Liverpool make toys from scraps of old clothing as Christmas gifts to the children of local sailors.

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Wartime Mobile Bath Service, Port Sunlight C1941

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R.M.S. Mauretania in Canada Dock, Liverpool 1909

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