Justin Hopperさんのプロフィール画像

Justin Hopperさんのイラストまとめ

'The occult Ken Nordine' || Belbury Poly-The Path || Chanctonbury Rings || The Old Weird Albion || Uncanny Landscapes podcast || Obsolete Spells/Victor Neuburg

フォロー数:3354 フォロワー数:4500

The premiere of On Windover Hill - a new choral composition celebrating the Long Man of Wilmington - & other music of the Sussex landscape; Royal Philharmonic, Harlequin Chamber Choir, Corra Sound - 7 March at Boxgrove Priory nr Chichester (1/2)

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Today is the 120th anniversary of the birth of John H Pull - the visionary Sussex archaeologist whose work on (and in!) neolithic flint mines & other sites is of interest/importance to both the science & imagination of this island - a hero of The Old Weird Albion.

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