Old Weird Britainさんのプロフィール画像

Old Weird Britainさんのイラストまとめ

Folklore from our Ancient Isles, somewhat randomly curated by harpist, composer, filmmaker, and tree-grower, Elizabeth-Jane Baldry.
#nemophilist #pigwiggenwood

フォロー数:927 フォロワー数:27967

Water-devils or Mermaids

The water is their Chaos wherein they live. Some call them faeries and say that Habundia is their queen.

They cause Inundations, many times shipwrecks, and deceive men divers ways.

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Tom Faggus, highwayman, hero of a hundred ballads and a thousand marvellous tales.

He was the a blacksmith from North Molton.

Tom spurned violence, and stole only from the rich. His horse was called Winnie.

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7th Jan, St Distaff's Day
A boisterous diversion

A contest 'twixt fire and water causes much hilarity.

The men return home early from their labours and if they find the maids spinning, they set fire to the flax.

In response, the women fetch pails of water and bewash the men.

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pixies are all too rare nowadays.

These merry little folks (though credited with many a frolicsome gambol) are seemingly very shy of disporting themselves at the present day.

They are much more retiring than was the case years agone.


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Pixies are the souls of unbaptized children.

Sometimes they present themselves to human vision under the semblance of a small bundle of rags, but more frequently they are seen in the form of little beings dressed in fantastic garments.

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A cure for freckles forming in hot sun:

"Steep a piece of copper in the juice of a lemon till it be dissolved.

Anoint freckles with feather morning and evening.

Wash off with white wine."

Art: Simon Vouet: 'The Muses Urania and Calliope'

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The music of the has been described by those who claim to have heard it as of a sweet intangible harmony, recalling the experience of Caliban:

"The isle is full of noises;
Sounds and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not."

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I once spent time with some Dominican nuns in a vast and romantic Victorian gothic convent.

On morning, they would cast off their thick black outer cloaks, revealing the beautiful whiteness of their habits.

It's always lucky to wear new clothes at Easter.

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There was a King and Queene of Phairie, of such a jolly court and train as they had.

They had a teynd [tithe] and dutie of all goods.

They naturallie rode and went, ate and drank, and did all other actiones like naturall men and women.

King James I, Daemonologie

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Three nuggets:

1. superstition declares that it is unlucky to travel on a Friday.

2. Invoke St Scholastica for protection in a

Church have the power to quell tempests.

Stay safe, dear hearts. ❤️

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