

Jazz and love are the most difficult to explain from a rational point of view.

フォロー数:1695 フォロワー数:1675

- Never forget, dear, about the three categories of people in your life:
 -Those who helped you in difficult times;
 --- those who abandoned you in difficult times;
 --- those who led you to difficult times

4 5

The secret of happiness is simple ...
But the secret is the secret .. :))

4 11

What really matters now is that the people you love are healthy!

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The one who should be next to you will be.
Other people - good luck.

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Ah, how the music sounded. Sadness handed out with happiness .. Delivers happiness to people .. It tells everyone about love ..

4 13

Artist Richard Johnson. Painting is a passionate silence…

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Antonio Gianigliatti was born in 1968 in Milan, Italy

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