

🍣ꋬꋪ꓄꒐ꇙ꓄ ꄲꊰ ꋬ꒒꒒ ꓄ꋪꋬ꒯ꏂꇙ🍣


👹꒒ꄲ꒦ꏂꇙ ꂵꄲꋊꇙ꓄ꏂꋪꇙ ꋬꋊ꒯ ꋬꋊꌦ꓄ꁝ꒐ꋊꍌ ꉔꋪꏂꏂꉣꌦ ꒒ꄲꄲꀘ꒐ꋊꍌ👻


フォロー数:24 フォロワー数:84

The full body version of the previous picture of Shill. His race are... HUGE, especially compared to Sinnica's race. Shill however is considered to be a runt.

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One of the other races that can be found in the world Sinnica lives in.

This is Shillka, or Shill for short

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OUGH I love big boys, but I love big MONSTER boys even more💖

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Another oldie 🥺
I remember being so proud of this one back in 2016. An AU version of a very old character. Think I'm gonna update this one and use it for another character 👀

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More old art from 2016-2017!

A design I made for an oooold oc for a AU but I really love it so much I decided to create an entire race of creatures living in Sinnica's world that look like this👀

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This is an older piece, I made it back in 2016 I think.

Her name is Aelyv💜

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Hi, I don't know what I'm doing...
But this is my oc Sinnica

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