OMORI (inactive, for now)さんのプロフィール画像

OMORI (inactive, for now)さんのイラストまとめ

quotes from OMORI every 30 mins! run by @reibyous

フォロー数:1 フォロワー数:654

(8/14): Ta-da! All summer, we've been working on a treehouse in SUNNY's backyard and today it's finally finished! HERO and his dad did most of the heavy work, but AUBREY and I made paper plants to put in the window still!

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(2/18 - MY BIRTHDAY): MARI and HERO fell asleep on the couch. They look so cozy together... Hehe... I hope they don't mind the photo. MARI's dad might be kind of mad if he saw it…

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(3/9): HERO and MARI washing the dishes from breakfast. We're staying over MARI and SUNNY this weekend. It's getting warmer lately so we're about to go to the park. KEL says there's a secret lake area behind some bushes, so we're all going to check it out!

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(3/10): It's all of us cuddling with SUNNY's stuffed animals. He has so many, and they're all so soft! I wish I could just lay here forever.

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(6/22): We're about to head home, but I managed to catch one last photo with MARI and HERO! They look so happy. A match made in heaven!

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(4/29): AUBREY won't let KEL under the umbrella, but KEL seems to be taking it just fine. He says he likes how the rain tastes.

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(5/25): All of our shoes in a circle! Can you guess whose shoes are whose?

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(2/18 - MY BIRTHDAY): Just KEL being KEL... So... many... party hats…

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(4/9): I caught MARI carrying SUNNY on the way home from school today. He must have fallen asleep on the bus. I thought it was so cute, so I got my camera out as quick as I could to snap this once-in-a-lifetime photo! Sigh... Sometimes I wish I had a sibling.

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(8/4): MARI says this beetle is a giant stag. It suddenly fell from a tree and surprised everyone! HERO is too grossed out to look.

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