

Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind. ~ Dr. Seuss, American writer & illustrator.

フォロー数:384 フォロワー数:474

It's business as usual for US politicians/govt to be in the pocket (or influence) of Saudis as well as weapon sales/secrets. You think touching an orb is weird? Saudis have customs. None are as bad as Hillary's hijab-cowing. Not even Michelle Obama did that. 1976 news cartoon...

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My grandmother recently got a VIP Meet & Greet w/ Dancing With The Stars members in Washington, DC. She's 101 yrs old-will be 102 in Feb. She's watched since Season 1 & keeps a book of all the scores since then. She was a teaching asst retired at 83. Made her year!

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The foam on my Turkish coffee came out better than usual. Five ppl said different ways to make it. Man at Turkish store said to use cold water but I choose to use room temp. He also made me say cezve until I said it perfectly. 😏☕ 🇹🇷️🏺I love espresso too. 🇮🇹

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This is a painting a friend did when he was 7 or 8 years old around 1969-1970. If you know that time, the Vietnam War, nuclear threats, you might see some of that. I would rather look at this than a $46 million painting of red streaks. Children are great expressionists.

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Trump walking back on campaign promises like every spineless president & politician who have no real leadership & courage.

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This is one pissed off cat. Flattened ears are a sure sign of annoyance. ((:

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. TV They fill their kids' minds w/ hatred. Little jihad soldiers. They don't want peace.

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Mick Jagger & Bob Bonis. Bob took several thousand photos of the Beatles & Rolling Stones '64-'66.

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