Grump (C0MMISSIONS OPEN)さんのプロフィール画像

Grump (C0MMISSIONS OPEN)さんのイラストまとめ

I'm an autist artist who draws original characters and fanart
Go on my Newgrounds for just my art and non of the yapping:

フォロー数:103 フォロワー数:16338



Oh shit, I didn't know was today. But I'm gonna repost this pic of my trans OCs;
Daisy (male to female) and Paul (female to male).
Daisy wants to be a country singer and Paul is in the army. People transition to feel comfortable in their body, and that's okay

3 37



Pleb I love you, but this is the, I dunno 50th time you made this joke?

0 1

So I'm working on a Ukraine OC for Eggheads
So far his deal is that he's a martial arts teacher who is a master at all kinds of martial arts, especially "Combat Hopak"
Any Ukrainians in my audience? I wanna hear your feedback

2 25

Happy women's day on women's month

22 210

This is Devon, he's a professional fighting game player/trainer and a hype man

9 66