

εὐδαιμονία ♡ Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose…

フォロー数:211 フォロワー数:2334

Day 16 - Anime with the best animation

Just the visuals of these anime alone made me feel something.
- Violet Evergarden
- Your Lie in April
- 5 Centimeters per Second
- Garden of Words

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Day 15 - Favorite anime sidekick, pet or summoning (?) from any anime

Pukyu from Akatsuki no Yona!!! 💕

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Day 8 - Favorite Couple

Athrun x Cagalli - I still feel like AsuCaga fans deserve an explicit marriage scene for everything we’ve been put through in GSD

Tezuka x Fuji - their ship name is “Perfect Pair”. Also, they’re canon and anyone that thinks otherwise can fight me

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Day 7 - Anime Crush

There’s so many of them but I can only post 4 photos so let’s go with anime characters that belong in my manga collection… Athrun Zala, Usui Takumi, Albert James Moriarty and Hak

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Day 4 - Favorite Female Anime Character Ever

I’d have to go with Yona because of her character development. From being so naive and sheltered, she decided to devote her life to protecting her country and her friends.

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Day 3 - Favorite Male Anime Character Ever

I don’t really think about this and I’m struggling to name a fave but I think it would be mostly Athrun Zala from Gundam Seed but could also be Fuji Syuusuke from Prince of Tennis

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Day 1 - Very first anime you’ve watched.

I honestly don’t recall but it’s probably one of these: Sailor Moon, Yu Yu Hakusho, Flame of Recca or Dragon Ball… (or even fushigi yugi idk)

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Is Xie Lian hugging a baby goat??? Yuzuru??!

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help i’m foaming in the mouth

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With all the 4A attempts he’s been doing, I am now unfazed

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