

Artist | 20+ | Mostly OC content | Repost❌ | comms: open | Artworks: wakelet.com/@oriharazen

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Happy birthday to charms sunshine, Momooooo!!!!!!

(`・ㅅ・´) I'm sorry momo, I don't think I get to finish the pic of you with the other members <////3 soon .. soon .. 😭

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Aaaah finished reading newest chapters of A3! (Not really finished since I got overslept, might re-read later lol)

Anyway, Haruto anyone? ;)

(Should I put on it? Well just to be safe)

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Here here, the proper art once in a while lololol ~

Anyone know Rozen Maiden? Tbh, I kinda forgot the plot since I watched it during my childhood but I remember I always draw Shinku XD

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To my sunshine ✨

How to draw bouquet??? Sobs

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Ini keknya event terakhir yang aku submit sebelum akhirnya aku kalah sama diri sendiri..

Dan yah.. karena aku gabuka socmed sama sekali, akhirnya kiyo di pertengahan kelas 3 dikeluarin sama adminnya

It's been fun

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Sebenernya rame sih join grup rp kek gini.. aku bisa liat seberapa jauh aku impruv gitu wwww

Until I have to fight with myself.. that is the most lowest point of my life..

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Hshshshs pesta natal di kelas 2.. kiyo lebih seneng moto2 📷✨

Snapshoot~ snapshoot~

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Yang ini edisi digambarin sama authornya Hideo XD

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Terus juga ikutan host club wkwkwkwk gila, kewalahan banget pas host club buka rp edisi ini wwwwww

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