

Art boy, 1/4th of ORT
New Fakemon designs (almost) every Monday!

u/PTickles on Reddit
ort.homeless on Instagram

フォロー数:47 フォロワー数:132

Here's my designs for branched evolutions of Girafarig! For more detailed info about them, check out my Reddit (u/PTickles) or Instagram (ort.homeless)!

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Here's my design for a baby form/pre-evolution of Lickitung! For more detailed info about them, check out my Reddit (u/PTickles) or Instagram (ort.homeless)!

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Here's my design for a baby Pokemon that can evolve into either Tauros or Miltank based on its gender, Calfpint! For more detailed info about them, check out my Reddit (u/PTickles) or Instagram (ort.homeless)!

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Here's an original Fakemon line based on magic mushrooms! For more detailed info about them, check out my Reddit (u/PTickles) or Instagram (ort.homeless)!

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Here's part 3 of my regional variants of Totodile, Croconaw, and Feraligatr!

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Here's part 2 of my regional variants of Cyndaquil, Quilava, and Typhlosion!

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Here's my regional variants of Aipom and Ambipom!

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Here's my evolution for Sunflora, Sunflorid!

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Here's part 3 of my regional variants of the Chansey evolution line, Blissey!

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Here's part 2 of my regional variants of the Chansey evolution line, Chansey!

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