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フォロー数:276 フォロワー数:493

There are too many RPGs coming, and Square Enix is to blame: Image: Square Enix

The publisher is releasing (at least) 9 games in the next 3 months, and I’ve played most of them

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What has Disney Lorcana borrowed from Magic, Pokémon, Gwent, and Hearthstone?: Image: Ravensburger, Disney

Everything we think we know about Disney’s new trading card game

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Fallout 5 is coming after the next Elder Scrolls game, Todd Howard says: Image: Bethesda Game Studios/Bethesda Softworks

Earth could still be inhabitable when it arrives!

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Anya punched her bully in Spy x Family and set the internet on fire: As if we couldn’t love her enough already

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Call of Duty: Warzone is coming to phones: Image: Activision

This isn’t Call of Duty: Mobile — that’s something else

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Nobody Saves the World is the RPG that gets grind right: Image: Drinkbox Studios

A perk tree full of non sequiturs is well worth exploring in Drinkbox’s delightful dungeon-crawler

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The Marvels: Release Date, Cast, And More: (Welcome to ...And More, our no-frills, zero B.S. guide to when and where you can watch upcoming movies and shows, and everything else you could possibly stand to know.) Marvel movies and indeed comic book movies in general are about…

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The exact moment kung fu blew up in America: Image: Courtesy of Mondo Books The summer of 1973 was a whirlwind of jump kicks and cash-ins Continue reading…

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League’s newly sexy skeleton man is causing problems for everyone: Image: Riot Games No, my spectral charge is ALSO named Bort Continue reading…

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Explaining Hunter x Hunter’s wildest arc is a rite of passage: Image: Madhouse The Chimera Ant storyline is exactly as WTF as the fans have always said — and it’s also so much more  Continue reading…

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