

Ota 🇵🇭 Freelance Artist 🌼 Character Designer at @studioclump Oberon Enthusiast 🌼 Can't read so expect typos 🌼 FFXIV | FGO

フォロー数:758 フォロワー数:1151

day 2 - Firmament

A short break after a hard day's work.

(I love you aymeric but omg your armorr screeechhhh
sorry this took so long ;;; )

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drawing babu wol siblings anri and hetel🐇🐈

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give me the domestic au already :( ...also early valentines' day picture 😽💕

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so ive been studying up on pc98 art for like months now but only recently been learning pixel art... 👉👈👀💦

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this is one of those "imma quick sketch this dumb idea" sketch taken way too seriously so now im stuck in rendering hell drawings again...

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dammit ...himiko is really cute...

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my cousin commissioned me to do a sticker design for her gummies!~ the left is the old design and the right is final. 💕🌼🌺

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sorry this was rushed but i was fun drawing with you!~~ i'll probably clean this up later~~

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oh yeah also stemmed from a dnd i was in but here's a doodle of mana in her magical girl and witch outfit (last of the art dump i swear heh...)

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also been playing for a year now have some doods

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