

Ota 🇵🇭 Freelance Artist 🌼 Character Designer at @studioclump Oberon Enthusiast 🌼 Can't read so expect typos 🌼 FFXIV | FGO

フォロー数:756 フォロワー数:1175

2. SHIGE-KUN!! (Shigeru Chiura)
The most shonen-esque MC I have currently omg. A newbie exorcist that is extremely energetic, hardworking, and nicest (dog) boyo! He also does kendo strengthen his physical and mental fitness!

He's extremely cute w/ 's Eita! CANON SHIP.

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1. Jin!
He's has....come a long way from this:
originally the MC for this old fantasy epic I had when I was younger but...that didn't work so well.

So he was on back burner for awhile until recently.

He's also the oldest oc I've abused btw!

nii-san of sadness ahaha.....

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wip and sketches from the last three in my spare time.

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Goodbye my little idiot brother, Shiloh.

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stress this entire month, so worked on this wip again...

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damn that persp. camera misleading me into thinking my boy was ugly

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i'm not done with this yet. but here's atsushi's head for now 0>-<....

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aww mannn i loved my outfit on wednesday so much i drew it on Seinto. okay back to work since the fever is gone.

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day 5. Okay I've catches up 0>-<...

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day 4. Good morning.

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