//=time() ?>
a pikachu has been caught by @Huntressfan! pika pika chu, where are you~? 🎶
a mankey has been caught by Kory! M.K., Mankey Kong! M.K., Mankey Kong is here!!
a hitmonchan has been caught by @xeroj_designs! if you need something punched, he's your guy!!
a kangaskhan has been caught by @DrazzelMagnus! don't touch its baby unless you wanna lose an arm!!
a growlithe has been caught by @Hash_GG! who's a good boy?!
a wartortle has been caught by Zach! you tellin' me this tortle's been to war?!
a pidgeotto has been caught by @ObsessiveDino! look at that sweet hairdo!!
a cubone has been caught by @joseethefirst! he's so happy to have a friend!!
a ditto has been caught by @dweebassnerd! i wonder what shape he'll take today?
an electabuzz has been caught by Macks! don't make him angry or he'll cut your power!!