

I am me...

フォロー数:484 フォロワー数:36

Those two have been swapped! 🐰🔁🐱

Sorry for any mistakes.. 🙏
And the next parts on progress..

1 22

2 year old twins 🐥and 🐯
with 4-year-old twins🐿️and🐨
Apple's cheek story

The sixth son 🐯who keeps believing in the story of the fourth son 🐨.

T/N : sorry for any mistakes...🙏

22 105


The happiest brother in the world.🐹

5 45

テテ君可愛すぎ~~ 🥰🥰

6 31

[INA] 🇮🇩

🐹: Sudah kubilang kan?
Jaykay, dibandingkan hotteok,
Hyung, lebih ingin makan kue ikan.

🐰: Oh begitu.ㅎuㅎ
(kunyah kunyah)

1 6