Penny ♝さんのプロフィール画像

Penny ♝さんのイラストまとめ

Only draw what I want to see. 自己想吃自己画。

Have been busy playing Outlast Trial + working hard…

フォロー数:123 フォロワー数:679

Remothered DV AU from my dear.
A vague past.
Creative block.

12 45

“A merriest Christmas to you, Animae dimidium meae.”

38 123

A little sketch ,bright colour with my dear.

5 21

Prove I'm still alive.

10 22

I don't know how to see him again.

22 79

Goodnight, sweet dreams

25 125

The silence of the pet

24 83

Dance Across The Moonlit Way

"I could dance forever bathed in the colour of the moon when your eyes looking at me and me alone."
By my dearest

21 83