

hoyoverse brainrot

(u can always dm me)
insta: @oversaltedcat
alt: @SaItedcat

call me Sothis/Solaris 🇳🇱
Discord: Oversaltedcat

フォロー数:1065 フォロワー数:16290

columbina bullying dottore ‼️

48 342

pants but a severe lack of actual pants

102 705

didn't have the energy for a big piece today so have this instead 🫶

272 1755

ruin bird ⁉️

24 543

he is walking his puppy ‼️‼️

256 1602

shout out to Dottore for permanently altering my brain chemicals for the worse

29 212

last batch i'll do !! and also the last drawing of 2022 for me :') 🫶

i'm currently on a 49 day streak of daily drawing with a total of 58 drawings in december alone .,,.,.

5 64