

TAIWANESE/KH fanart acc/Riku stand/Soriku/JP, CH, EN/20↑成人済/王国心垢、感想呟きと絵描き用、リク最推し、CPとして描くのは空と陸のみ、キャラ解釈合ってれば左右は不問、FRBご自由に。可放心和我講中文。

フォロー数:242 フォロワー数:4188

My rough is nightmare.

164 508

Soriku Cooking together 3.

1628 3988

゜☆+.☆Merry Christmas☆+.☆゜

1020 2224

Here is my piece for , thank you for let me join this wonderful project. The digital ver is still available, don't miss it.

631 1452

I want to feel your heat.

823 2115

Here is my preview for zine!, there are many talented artists and writers in this project, please consider to support us!

70 326

''You have no idea how much I need your heartbeat.''

844 1846