yoloway @ ascianfuckerさんのプロフィール画像

yoloway @ ascianfuckerさんのイラストまとめ

Cosplay/Art Account
Multiship | Multifandom | FFXIV Genshin Impact FE3H FE ENGAGE

フォロー数:1062 フォロワー数:225


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A quick one because I'm also way behind!! Day 6! Prompt is Moon! I,,, like the idea of Ferdinand using the moon as a comfort when Hubert is away, cuz Hubert is the moonshine to him

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Day 5! Prompt is Memory Loss! Inspired by this wonderful fanfic Committed to Memory by
, I will link in a reply to this!! Please check them out!!

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Even when it tires you, you remain at my side, like the foolish noble you have always been. |#FerdibertWeek2020 3 and 4 Prompts: Spellmaking/Comfort! I combined them both!

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My only fear is when he finds out my true nature, I would mar his beautiful nature. | Prompt was Fear, for Day 2!

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Hubert wants a dance?! No, no this is Ferdinand- 5 years later?!
Hope I'm not too late for Day 1 of Prompt is Bodyswap on !

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Kittymitri just wants a pet!! International Cat Day today! This week has been a blessing for me so many cute kittymitris,,,

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Reference for more OCs I want to per i sh

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Who can say that I've been changed for the better?

- Ferdibert Anthem after that Duet by Billy and Robby!!

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A little late for this but like, it's been about 7 months since I've been really invested in FE3H. But thanks to it I was able to meet so many new friends, and a way for me to improve on my art. Without it I doubt I would have drawn as much!! So thank you, FE3H!!!

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