

another accounter(부계정)🔞
talk (잡담계)

フォロー数:1513 フォロワー数:3069

이제 커미션 그림 8개 남았다!!
Now 8 commission drawings left!!

1 29

A!! a cute little panzer~♡


56 505

I practice in the hospital all July, teach students on weekends, teach elementary, middle and high school students at the center all August, and draw whenever I have time!

39 250

7월내내 정신병원. (성인)병원 실습으로 활동이 뜸해질수 있습니다! 그래도 자주 올게요!!
Mental hospitals and (adult) hospitals practice throughout July can lead to less activity! But I'll come often!!

1 30

제대로 작업을 못하고 있네..( ;∀;)

8 49

슬슬 완성되어간다!

9 47

Hello, I'm a shark.
I think I need to take a break from drawing for the time being after pulling out my wisdom tooth.
I'll take a break for a while and come back to the sharp toed shark.
I love you( ・∇・)

5 34