

Comic creator. Ex engineer. Forever foodie.

フォロー数:284 フォロワー数:110

What my mind thought when a friend told me about his koi dice...

4 17

Star in a jar.
Emits light and heat through anything except metal, but is bearable to the touch. Upon breaking illuminates a radius of 200ft like daylight. Any creature within 50ft of a released star will be blinded and suffer severe burns.

1 7

Horn of resounding quacks.
This horn summons all the ducks from a 100 ft radius to where the player is.
concept by: Vitch, design by:p47y

0 3

Quit my job to become an artist. Trying to get into the habit of drawing everyday.

1 4

I relearned how to CG with the help of the awesome

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