

Cuteness conjurer, photo manipulator, sweetness sorcerer, art maker and peace spreader.

フォロー数:11 フォロワー数:104

Haters gonna hate.
I know, by heart, that coronavirus doesn't know how to play Russian Roulette of lockdown-no-lockdown.
Don't look at the numbers.
Keep playing.

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Crap বলে crap?
আমার তো চুল উঠে যাচ্ছে, আজ লকডাউন কিনা ভাবতে ভাবতে

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or today?
Well thanks to the masterplanners, I am sure, hairloss will increase!!

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Key people working out plans with
A lot needs to be taken care, and am sure you all are doing a great job!!
Tell me if i can deliver it directly to Mr. Kalyan!! :)

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Yes, from the way I see, you talk less and do more.
Acting, writing and so many things.
Silent, but so present!!
Love your performances.
Hence my

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He comes in, acts, wins hearts, and quietly stays mum.
No shouts, no "look at me!!" jumps, no waves other than the wave of immense positivity.
Hats off to your performance
My fanart for you.
Your style, wow!! :)

My for u

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"Reach for the stars" we said.
"OK", said you.
Well, now that you are out there, we miss you.
Your smile is surely showering blessings somewhere.
Rest in peace.

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