

Mainly post about Dragon Ball stuff, though I also love Tom & Jerry, ATLA, Mario, and some other series. | Alt: @Paleoshinhan

フォロー数:278 フォロワー数:905

93. Another anime FT arc Goku L - his demeanor while meeting Zamasu. Ironically, it makes me like Zamasu more as a character, since Goku's so insufferable. But making me like the villain shouldn't be done at the expense of the protagonist's likability.

Shout-out to

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64. The time limit for the Potara is controversial, and I have mixed feelings on that. But one alternative idea is to stick with the Namekian Dragon Balls being able to undo the merger, as was the case for Kibito and Kaioshin in the Universe 6 arc (and manga BoG).

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18. Have Videl keep fighting, even if it's only small in scale like fighting criminals or teaching a martial arts class like in Super Hero. I love Gohan and Videl's relationship in Super for several reasons, but Videl becoming little more than a housewife in DBS still sucks.

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7. Only have Goku use Ultra Instinct Omen in the Tournament of Power. Perfected UI came about way too quickly, and it was done a lot better in the Moro arc. That arc would be a much better time to reveal PUI.

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Main Dragon Ball Women

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In the seven-year gap between the Cell and Boo arcs, Gohan stopped training and lost the ability to stack his rage on top of Super Saiyan 2. Goku and Vegeta, on the other hand, trained intensely throughout the time gap. But how strong did they become by the early Boo arc?

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Yet another DB movie hot take

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I think him reaching SSB tier this quickly without god ki made no sense, but this is an issue with modern Dragon Ball in general.

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