

product, design, tokenomics, gaming, meow meow || @tubbycatsnft

フォロー数:4449 フォロワー数:28397

So far 1K ETH in volume for which means 19 Royalty NFT owners are sharing 20ETH (2% of sales) or 1ETH each at the monthly payout

Of course volume is enormously weighted toward collection launches and volume can go to 0, but so far a great return on 8ETH buy in

13 75

Check out this artist's Foundation and explain to me how I'm their first bid lol https://t.co/PBypHYzuwJ

5 58

I went after my favorite and commend on her taste 🥂

Only Night Goddess (.85%) + Naiade dress (.98%) which includes a frog that the artist reached out to inform me was referencing her 1:1 I purchased ♥️

PSA these may show up on IG soon

7 121

Here's the link to info and other listings:

Since purchasing this piece from on Foundation, she brought additional value to her early NFTs by gifting to her early collectors. Getting an opportunity to double down on her is a no brainer

0 20

The mint sold out! I'm snipe bidding rares on Opensea, and wanted to thank for gifting me (a top rarity), for being a buyer of her series which inspired the generative collection

Class act, and proof bets on new 1:1 artists can pay off big!!💯🔥

4 38

Eating junk food shopping for fine art

0 1

Got some pretty clean color schemes

1 16

Just picked one up I dig them

0 3

I sold all my dogs and bought the cheapest trippy hat for 7ETH, which also had an unclaimed dog so I get 1

Interested to see if I made the right decision

3 109

Love my punk but it’s time I return to my true identity as an anime avatar

1 22