

product, design, tokenomics, gaming, meow meow || @tubbycatsnft

フォロー数:4402 フォロワー数:28426

More gifted art to share - thank you to all the artists who sent me pieces this holiday season, it makes my day to see gifted art come in ☺️

These 4 by

7 81

Which would you rather have as your only blue chip NFT - an upper tier M2 for 30-35ETH or a floor BAYC for 59ETH?

1 134

Thank you to the NFT artists who dropped gifts to my wallet! you're all incredible tysm I love all of these pieces

3 65

Bought into a new long term play tonight. I'm selective with collectibles, have minted fewer than 10 projects the entire cycle

is still priced near mint, and I can't ignore the potential I see after brainstorming product and vision on a few calls

9 63

gm and happy holidays

Hometown by

11 173

my first collectible honorary ever - I’m not affiliated with the project but reached out last month and made me one

They’re minting now so feel free to check them out, and thank you guys 🤍

2 84